White cherry confiture is the most delicate and rare of all traditional confitures.
Why is it so special? because it will drive you crazy with its taste. Whether we use it for tea, ice cream, pancakes or babă albă, this confiture is the finest, sweetest creation from our cuisine.
White cherry confiture is the most delicate and rare of all traditional confitures.
Why is it so special? because it will drive you crazy with its taste. Whether we use it
for tea, ice cream, pancakes or babă albă (see recipe #72), this confiture is the finest,
sweetest creation from our cuisine.
Cherries should not be overripe, soft, or with dark spots. Pit the cherries and place them in a large pan.
In a separate saucepan, prepare the syrup. For 1kg cherries, use 1kg sugar and 100ml water. After the sugar has dissolved, add 1⁄2 tbsp. citric acid to keep cherries from going dark.
Pour the hot syrup over the cherries and place the pan on the stove. It is important to stir well. Cherries should be well coated in syrup, to avoid oxidation.
When the confiture starts to boil, lower the heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes. When done, let it cool.
After an hour or an hour and a half simmer the confiture for 10-15 minutes more. It’s very important to simmer over low heat. Remove from heat and cool for 30 minutes, then repeat the
simmering procedure over low heat.
Add some slices of lemon.
Cherries should not be overripe, soft, or with dark spots. Pit the cherries and place them in a large pan.
In a separate saucepan, prepare the syrup. For 1kg cherries, use 1kg sugar and 100ml water. After the sugar has dissolved, add 1⁄2 tbsp. citric acid to keep cherries from going dark.
Pour the hot syrup over the cherries and place the pan on the stove. It is important to stir well. Cherries should be well coated in syrup, to avoid oxidation.
When the confiture starts to boil, lower the heat and simmer for 10-15 minutes. When done, let it cool.
After an hour or an hour and a half simmer the confiture for 10-15 minutes more. It’s very important to simmer over low heat. Remove from heat and cool for 30 minutes, then repeat the
simmering procedure over low heat.
Add some slices of lemon.